Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving.......and ummm

First of all Happy Turkey Day to all my peeps, and if you decide to watch the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game with the Detroit Lions please enjoy the half time show featuring my boy Kid Rock........however if for some insane reason he decides to sing his new song Detroit, Michigan I implore you to please mute the TV!

Don't get me wrong I love, love love the Kid, however I will be the first to admit that that song is absolutely horrible, actually I think it's the worst song I've heard in a long time. It basically sounds like it was composed in like 5 minutes and without any care. It's simply torturous. Hopefully he'll give us some old school style Kid with his new song Cucci Galore....yeah it's about what you think, but what do you expect it's Kid Rock.


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