Ok was scanning the news in the "D" and ran across this and couldn't help but chuckle at the headline and news story .......enjoy
MSU student won't face criminal charges in thong thefts
Tom Greenwood / The Detroit News
East Lansing -- It wasn't a crime, it was a contest!
A 19-year-old Michigan State University found with 79 pairs of stolen thongs in his dorm room will not be charged with a crime, according to the Ingham County Prosecutor's Office.
Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III decided that the unidentified student will instead pay a fine and do community service.
According to Dunnings, several male students were involved in a contest to see who could come up with the most purloined panties.
"My understanding is they were having a contest to see how many (thongs) they could get," Dunnings told the Lansing State Journal. "For whatever reason, his room was the repository of those efforts."
It was in April when the student was reported to police after he was seen pilfering a pair of delicates from a dryer in West Akers Hall.
The police seized on the tip because they had been investigating reports of the theft of 15 pairs of underwear from the same laundry room over the previous weeks.
A raid of the student's dorm room turned up 79 pairs of skimpy skivvies, all thongs. At the time, the student said it was all a prank and denied having an obsession with women's underwear.