Friday, December 10, 2010

Back that Ass Up....and I don't mean that in a good way

Ok time for a gripe, what the hell is it with these people who don't know how to honor the personal space rule? I can't stand it when I'm at the grocery store and some jackass behind me finds the need to ride my ass while they are waiting their turn in line.

Seriously do you have to breath down my damn neck when I'm trying to swipe my debit card, just because you are up in my grill doesn't mean I'm going to get out of your way any faster asshole. So go fuck yourself.


  1. Maybe you're like me and have this natural scent that seems to attract idiots and dumbasses. That has to be the explanation right?

  2. Have you ever considered they wish to poke ur mudhole?

  3. People these days!! hahaa
